ISSN: 2277-260X 

International Journal of Higher Education and Research

Since 2012

(Publisher : New Media Srijan Sansar Global Foundation) 



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Lord Buddha: the Awakened One — Abnish Singh Chauhan

lord-buddha“If you are quiet enough, you will hear the flow of the universe. You will feel its rhythm. Go with this flow. Happiness lies ahead. Meditation is key.” — Gautama Buddha


Let me begin with a story. There was a little boy who wanted to learn the art of meditation for controlling emotional noise and experiencing ecstasy. Therefore, he went to Shri Shri Anandamurti, known as Baba to his disciples, and insisted for his personal guidance. Baba graciously advised him to do asanas and pranayama at the initial stage and thereafter he may come to learn the lesson. But, the boy was adamant. When Baba found no way, he agreed and advised him to come in the early morning. The little boy reached at the right time, touched his feet reverently and silently sat down before him. Then spoke Baba, “Can you see this object?” “Of course, Baba”, the boy answered humbly but confidently. “Ok. Now close your eyes.” The boy closed his eyes. He asked again, “Can you see the object now?” The boy was speechless. “No problem,” Baba lovingly said, “Go and try to see it.” The boy obeyed and did his best. He saw a few blurred sights and reported the same to him; however, Baba was not satisfied. He made another effort. He went to a secluded and peaceful place, fostered concentration and spiritual consciousness through meditation, and in due course realized ‘the eyeless sight.’


— Abnish Singh Chauhan


(The excerpt is taken from the editorial of Creation and Criticism:


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