ISSN: 2277-260X 

International Journal of Higher Education and Research

Since 2012

(Publisher : New Media Srijan Sansar Global Foundation) 



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Rhetoric of Subhash Chandra Bose by Abnish Singh Chauhan

img-20170522-191121I am sincerely grateful to respected Prof Nibir K Ghose, who is the distinguished editor of 'Re-Markings' (a biannual refereed international journal of English Letters), for publishing my research paper 'Rhetoric of Subhash Chandra Bose' (Pp. 249-259) in the special issue of his journal- 'Bose, Immortal Legend of India's Freedom: Contemporary Critical Orientations' (Vol. 16, No. 1, Jan 2017) published by Authorspress, New Delhi. This special issue reflects life, works and events of Netaji, the dominant freedom fighter and persuasive rhetor of the Pre-independance period through 29 scholarly papers along with a remarkable editorial written by the editor himself. 
My heartiest congratulations and warm wishes to Prof Ghosh and his team of contributors!
-Dr Abnish Singh Chauhan
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